Documentary Film Festival for Students

I usually don't post film festival calls for entries -- there are just far too many of them -- but this is one I couldn't pass up: The Reality Bytes Film Festival is Northern Illinois University's student film documentary film festival. As most of you know, NIU was the site of a mass shooting on their campus a couple of weeks ago. I received a bulk email from their PR director on Sunday. Here it is in full:

First, we want to thank everyone who has called or e-mailed with messages of support over the past few weeks. We are still coming to terms with the tragedy that occured on our campus Thursday, February 14, and it will be a long journey. However, the journey does begin with the first steps and in that spirit, the Reality Bytes Film Festival is still taking place, but with a change in the deadline and screening dates.

With that said, I am writing to you on behalf of Northern Illinois University and the Reality Bytes Student Documentary Film Festival. The festival is currently in its eighth year under the directorship of Dr. Laura Vazquez and is continuing to grow. The event prides itself on being open only to students and being affordable with only a $20 entry fee.

We have already started to receive films from schools all across the country and the outlook for this year's festival is excellent. Our goal each year is to continue to have a venue where students can showcase their amazing documentary filmmaking talents against their peers.

The submission deadline for students is now March 8, 2008 and the documentaries must be under 30 minutes length. Any style or genre of documentary will be accepted. The application form for this year's festival can be viewed and printed as a PDF file by visiting the Reality Bytes website at the following URL:

The screening event will be held on April 4th and 5th and cash prizes will be awarded on April 5th. The best of festival winner will receive $200 and Avid video editing software, second place will receive $150 and third place will receive $100.

Thank you. We are looking forward to seeing all of the great student work coming out of your university.


Kathy Giles Public Relations Director for Reality Bytes Northern Illinois University




If you're a student filmmaker with a documentary, send it on in. It sounds like a neat festival, it's an affordable entry fee and, in some way, however small, by submitting your film you'll be helping the NIU community move forward after a terrible tragedy. I imagine this edition of the festival will be pretty special.